Project SAFE Albay.Typhoon Goni post-response and Covid19 Response Trainings in District 1 and district 3 of Albay. We conducted separate trainings in Tabaco City and in Guinobatan Albay. Opsafe Training, Child and Family Phone Mentoring, Understanding God’s Heart for Children(UGHC), Hope Bearer and Vision Casting to 24 churches. Thanks to Ptr Rene Casquejo, chairman of Tabaco Evangelical Alliance of Ministers, to DS Dan Feleo, District Superintendent of Church of the Nazarene Bicol District, our Provincial District Chairpersons, pastors and leaders and to Ptr Grando Bruso of FIDE Christian Academy for the hospitality and participation. 39 volunteers from Guinobatan, and district 3 towns; 46 participants from Tabaco and district 1 towns trained to implement the programs. Looking forward for the successful implementation of Programs and bring more children and their families safe and transformed. – JTN